Monday, February 1, 2010

Teaching Notes - Febrary 2010

The fool says in his heart, "There is no God.".... - Psalm 53:1a

Don't be foolish! Today there are so many different beliefs regarding God and his power that I cannot place them all in this short lesson. However, there is one believe that I want to touch on. You may have heard of an atheism. Did you know there are different types of atheist? The one I want talk about is "practical atheism".

What does that mean? An atheist believes that there is no God. Some believe there is a God, but his is hidden from view (Conceptual atheism). Practical atheism is applied to a person that believes there is a God, however he really doesn't have any use for him in his life.

Can I tell you there are some indivduals that call themselves believers, but are actually practical atheist? What do they look like? The are average people that go about their lives doing things, taking care of life's stuff, but not really acknowledging God in the process.

Oh, they may go to church on Easter, Christmas, and well they may even go even more often. But stuff like reading your Bible, praying, fellowship are not things that they think much about. God has a purpose surely in their lives? Yes he does, when things get to hard for them to handle or control, then the need for God arises. But as soon as everything goes back to normal, they God really doesn't exist.

What's the danger of that? The scripture for this month of February is a short but a powerful one. If we say there is no God, we are foolish. Well you might say the person presented before didn't really say God doesn't exist, so how does he/she qualify as a fool?

It is foolish to think that God is not the God of everyday. God does not want to be our God only when we face difficulty or things we cannot handle. We are really no better (in fact we are worse) than the atheist that says God does not exist. It is time to take an inventory of your actions. Do you spend time before God in your word? Do you spend time with God in prayer? Do you take time each day to try and encourage someone, or present the truth of the Gospel to some one? Are you ashamed to tell others you go to church or are a Christian? After you examine yourself, where do you find yourself standing?

Are you in a place where God is pleased, then continue to walk with him and allow him to use you. But what if you find yourself in a place where you are functioning as a "practical atheist", what should you do? It is time today to turn around from the path you are on and begin to live for God "actively". To say there is no God either in word or deed is foolish as the Bible says.  Seek God and ask him to help you in your walk with him.

Challenge: What will you do differently in February to jumpstart your growth in Christ?

My Prayer:  Lord we do not want to be like the foolish people that say you are not real. Help us to not only speak the truth about you, but help us to live it out. We do not want to live contrary to your word. Equipped us to speak to others that may feel likewise. Help us not to be afraid or to back down from your truth. Help us to speak it in love and allow your Spirit to touch the hearts of others so they too can know you surely are alive. Amen.