Bible Study
Read the scripture and see if you can answer the questions for yourself. The words in quotes is the title I gave to each of these scriptures for a lesson for the youth. I hope that the questions help you in your walk.
1. “God knows your thoughts, what are you thinking?” Proverb 4:23
QUESTION: What are you being kept from in this passage?
2. “Words, does your help or hurt?” Matthew 12:37
QUESTION: this is Jesus, who is criticizing Him and why?
3. “Prayers answered, Hannah’s story.” I Samuel 1:17
QUESTION: What did she ask for and how soon did it happen?
What 3 things did she bring to the Lord’s house?
4. “Christ is risen” Mark 16:6-7
QUESTION: Who was speaking?
How many times did He revisit people?
Who did He visit and what was the response?
5. “What seeds are you sowing for Christ?” Matthew 13
QUESTION: What are the seeds?
6. “Serving others while serving Christ?” Galatians 6:10
QUESTION: What is the benefit of serving?
7. “Who do you belong to? I Corinthians 6:20
QUESTION: What two things are you glorifying God in?
8. “Be thankful in ALL things” I Thess 5:18
QUESTION: Who is this concerning?
Does this include the good things?
9. “God’s true gift.” John 3:16, John 1:12 & Galatians 1:4
QUESTION: What three special things are given in these passages?
10. Who is the Holy Spirit: John 16:13 (Known also as the Holy Ghost, Divine Spirit of God, Voice of God, Comforter)
11. What does He do? (When we receive Him)
a. Acts 15:8, 9
b. Romans 5:1-5
c. Acts 1:8
12. What does He do? (After we receive Him)
a. John 16:13,14-26, I Corinthians 2:7-14
b. I Corinthians 12:8-11
13. Who does the Spirit dwell in?
a. I Corinthian 3:16,17
b. Acts 5:32
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