Monday, September 21, 2009

Teaching Notes

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. - Psalm 20:7

What are you trusting in? This is a short verse of scripture but it has valuable lessons held within it. The psalmist writes what some people trust in. Some trust in chariots and some in horses. What does that really mean?

Chariots and horses were valuable in war against one's enemies. Have you ever watched those old movies of kings fighting against other kingdoms? Those on chariots or horses were able to out run those on foot. Many of the chariots and horses for that matter had special armor attached to them so they could do great harm to the enemy. So to relate that to today would mean we are trusting in our abilities, our our stuff, our strength to be able to win against others. We may feel we are smarter, faster, or better and can out run our enemies.

But if you ever watched those old movies, those on chariots or horses did not always win. Sometimes they fell at the hand of their enemies. This is true for us today, we cannot always depend on our strength or other things to always work things our for us because sometimes they fail.

The psalmist however tells of one way that is always sure. He says he will trust in the Lord. The Lord our God is the only one that is able to win all the time, in every situation and in every battle. The psalmist is encouraging us to place our trust in God. The question I asked was, what are you trusting in? Are you trying to work everything out yourself? Are you trying to do everything with power or strength? Well the encouragement today is place your trust in God. God's strength is far greater than yours or mine. Will you release your life into his hands today and trust him to take care of you? Do you trust?

Prayer: Lord today we ask that you help us to trust you in everything and in every situation. We often try to work things out ourselves to often find out we were not able to handle the burden. Help us to take our trust out of ourselves, or people, or things and place is solely in you. Help us today to trust in you, Amen.

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