What's Your Reflection?
We live in a time where people are saying one thing, but doing something else. In my time we called this being "two faced". Sometimes people are doing things that are not right but they try to hide it. They are not so quick to come around areas that would "shine the light" on what they are doing because they do not want to be exposed.
We hear it in our news, political people having to say they are sorry or resign positions because the evil they were doing has been exposed. Companies have gone bankrupt because of the deeds of CEO's being exposed.
God's word speaks to us today about these kinds of things. Those that do wrong hate the light. There are different applications here regarding light. Light first and foremost represents God and his truth. People that do wrong try to hide from God's light because it shows them for what they are. Another application for light is a place of transparency. In the dark it is hard to see things so a person can hide things, but when a spotlight has been placed on something you can see it clearer.
This is the requirement of God. He wants his children to put themselves in the light. First to be his child you must be a child of Light. And when you are a child of light, you must walk in the light so that others can see your actions plainly and know that God's Spirit dwells within your hearts.
The question is, what's your reflection? If you look at yourself in the light will you find somethings reflected there that need to be changed? Are you going to church on Sunday's and appearing to be one of the group, but during the week you are hanging out with friends drinking, smoking, having sex and things that God says to refrain from? We need to really take a true look at ourselves so that we will not be fooled about who we are.
Have you looked at yourself in the dark in the mirror and saw nothing wrong, but when you turned on the light you were able to see the blemishes or imperfections on your face? Well that is how it is if we try to do things in the dark. We begin to think we look alright because we are seeing our reflection in a darkened stated. But when light is reflected upon us we see all the blemishes and imperfections in our lives.
This month, that the time to truly reflect on your life. Is there anything (big or small) if exposes in your life would be displeasing to the Lord? Then get rid of it!
Praying this month for God to help our reflection to reflect more of his son so that when others see us, they will truly know that God is doing something in us.
1 comment:
May god illuminate the corners of my life to mold me into His image -- Lord help me to change where I need to change and hold fast to you (Lord) for strength, courage, provision and protection.
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