Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Teaching Notes

The Fear of the Lord
Joshua 24:14 (The Message)

"So now: Fear God. Worship him in total commitment. Get rid of the gods your ancestors worshiped on the far side of The River (the Euphrates) and in Egypt. You, worship God.

Notes: Joshua is giving instructions to the children of God before they go in and possess the land that God has given them.  They have fought battles and now they are ready to take what God has for them.  So Joshua tells them to fear God.  And he tells them to worship God in total commitment.

Question: What doe you think Joshua means by total committment?

Answer: If you fear the Lord, have a respect and reverence for him you will want to do as he tells you to. The command that came down was to let go of the wrong worship.  They people had grown accustomed to worshipping the idols that their parents had worshipped when they were in Egypt.  God says, get rid of them.  He tells them this because he knows if they do not, they will lose heart and begin to do those things that are displeasing to him.  They will do this because they have lost the reverence or respect for who God is.  Do you know if you do not continue to develop your relationship with God you will lose your reverence for him because you forget who he is.  But if you do as the people did and listen (read) to the word of God it will help you to continue to fear God and his holiness.

Prayer: Lord, you are mighty.  You are better than anything else we can turn our attention to.  Help us not to turn away from you to lesser things.  Help us to turn to you and know that you will continue to protect us if we trust in you.  You are worthy of our praise.  Help us to praise you.

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