How do I Become a Disciple?
Mark 14:47-49 (The Message)
Jesus said to them, "What is this, coming after me with swords and clubs as if I were a dangerous criminal? Day after day I've been sitting in the Temple teaching, and you never so much as lifted a hand against me. What you in fact have done is confirm the prophetic writings." All the disciples cut and ran.
Notes: Judas has betrayed Jesus and now the mob has come to take him away. Jesus speaks to the mob and ask them why do you come to get me in this way, when you could have taken me at anytime. He then tells them this only confirms the writing from the Old Testament that told of his coming, being seized and his going to the cross. When this happens, his disciples all run away.
Question: Why do you think the disciples ran?
Answer: They were afraid. Even though Jesus has told them many times of what was to come, they were afraid to go through what might happen to them if they stayed with Jesus. This is true for us today. We sometimes want to run away when dangers come to us for being a follower of Christ. To be a true disciple of Christ, we must be willing to stand in the face of dangers. We must be willing to follow Jesus where ever that may take us. If it takes us to hard places, we must not run scared. If it takes us to lonely places we must not run. The reason why is because we will not be going to those places alone, we will be going with Jesus. He will never leave us to face anything along.
Prayer: Lord thank you for helping us to stand strong against any dangers that we face. Help us to trust you and not let what we see scare us. Give us strength today and courage to follow you no matter where it leads us.
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